UNB and National Coach Evaluation Research Project
2 Peter Kelly Dr. P.O.Box 4400 | 506-453-5139

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UNB and National Coach Evaluation Research Project

This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Board of the University of New Brunswick and is on file as #2017-040.

Understanding the Quality and Validity Coach Evaluation Experience throughout Canada

The effective use of material within a standardized sport program (e.g., National Coaching Certification Program [NCCP]) to change the behaviors of the participant is contingent on the evaluation of individuals to meet the standards of the program. This is particularly the case for coach education in Canada. Coaches have the responsibility to be teachers, facilitators, and mentors for athletes where they provide technical, tactical, and mental skills to succeed within their given sport (Gearity, 2012; Wrisberg, 2007). While these skill sets can be learned and implemented through the coach’s previous experience within the sport (Jacobs, Claringbould, & Knoppers, 2016), organizations at the national, provincial, and municipal level provide and require that coaches take a formal education program called the NCCP. It then becomes important then that an evaluation takes place by a professional (i.e., Coach Evaluator and Master Coach Developer) to determine if the coach has met the standard set out within the NCCP. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine and gain an understanding of the quality and validity of the coach evaluation experience. If you are coach who has gone through the coach evaluation process and are interested in participating in survey, please visit the links below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/coachevaluatorfrench or https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/coachevaluator If you have any questions please contact Dr. Jonathon Edwards at: jonathon.edwards@unb.ca or by phone at 506-453-5139.

Contact UNB and National Coach Evaluation Research Project

Address: 2 Peter Kelly Dr. P.O.Box 4400

Phone: 506-453-5139
Fax Number: N/A
Email: jonathon.edwards@unb.ca